Adam Kocka, Take Out
Alisa Wilbon, Tro Tro
Anthony Marino, The Drop / Coney Island, NY
Catherine O'Connor, Window Ajar, Miami FL
Deven Ducommun, Untitled
Emma Shelley, Mainline
J.J. Miller, Reflections
Jonathan Ralton, The Space Between
Kiri Forrester, I'll Never Smile Again
Les Schmidt, Esplanade Ave Wharf, New Orleans
Liam Darby, Parked The Foreign
Mary Luczycki, Isaiah is a Biblical Name
Matthew Norman, Above and Below
Mei Seva, Summer Night
Melora Walters, Artemis Bride No.1
Neil Geller, U.S. Hornet, Alameda
NW Acton, The Stardust Motel
Ray Rogers, Relocated
Russ London, La Porte d’en Arrière
Samuel Judge, Untitled
StreetMax21, RampantHorse150219
Suz Lipman, El Capitan
Terry Byrne, Musik
Wendy Beeghley, Galactic Highway